Angelo’s and Paul’s
Townline Auto Service
Merchantville, New Jersey Location

Auto Services done by Generations of Experience & Trained Professionals.

Our Mechanics are Master Certified ASE Technicians.

  • General Maintenance

    At our auto repair facility, we specialize in delivering top-notch general maintenance services to keep your vehicle operating at peak performance. From routine oil changes and fluid checks to filter replacements, our skilled technicians are dedicated to preserving the longevity of your vehicle. We meticulously inspect and address any issues related to brakes, belts, and hoses, ensuring your safety on the road.

  • Electrical Diagnostics

    Our specialized electrical diagnostics service is designed to decode the mysteries behind check engine lights, ensuring your vehicle's optimal performance. When that ominous light appears on your dashboard, our skilled technicians employ state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to pinpoint the root cause of the issue. Whether it's a sensor malfunction, electrical system glitch, or a more complex engine problem.

  • NJ State Inspection Facility & Emission Repairs

    As a certified NJ State Inspection Facility, we take pride in ensuring that your vehicle meets the stringent standards set by the state. Our comprehensive inspection process covers safety and emission components, providing a thorough assessment of your vehicle's roadworthiness and environmental impact. If your vehicle requires emission repairs to meet state regulations, our skilled technicians are well-equipped to address and rectify any issues.

  • Wheel Alignments

    Wheel alignments are a crucial aspect of vehicle maintenance, ensuring that your wheels are properly aligned for optimal performance and safety on the road. Over time, factors like potholes, uneven road surfaces, and general wear and tear can cause misalignments, leading to issues such as uneven tire wear and compromised handling. Our skilled technicians utilize state-of-the-art equipment to precisely measure and adjust the angles of your wheels, including camber, toe, and caster. Proper wheel alignment not only enhances tire longevity but also promotes fuel efficiency and overall driving comfort.

Visit Us

800 West Maple Avenue
Merchantville, NJ 08109


(856) 663-7099